“How to Cultivate Compassion for Ourselves and Others” Written by Jacquie

“How to Cultivate Compassion for Ourselves and Others” Written by Jacquie


Over 100 people from around the world were fortunate to hear this online talk by Zarko Andricevic.

He spoke about compassion as part of Buddhist practise and how we might use this in our lives. We must first understand our own suffering and its causes in order to gain insight into the suffering of others. To show true compassion, one must really explore what is happening deep down in the other person. One must listen very closely to them to gain a clear understanding of what is behind the things they say and how they feel so
that we can act appropriately.

How can we practise compassion? We can start by offering compassion to those closest to us such as family and friends. Next compassion can be extended to people who help us, then people who are neutral to us and finally to those who cause suffering. After this talk, while walking with a friend, I found myself taking more time to ask her questions and listen more carefully to her responses so that I could act more compassionately.
